News Archives - SassyFeeds News, politics, social media, viral trends, health, science, technology, entertainment such as video gaming, movies, book reviews and more... Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:06:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives - SassyFeeds 32 32 66477594 Coronavirus – Origin Prevention Symptoms Treatment and Vaccination Thu, 01 Apr 2021 00:07:08 +0000 Coronavirus is a type of virus. There are various strains of coronaviruses because it is always evolving. The variants make

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Coronavirus is a type of virus. There are various strains of coronaviruses because it is always evolving. The variants make coronavirus act in different ways but it does not affect the way it functions. Coronavirus has been around for a very long time. Covid-19 also called novel coronavirus has probably been around for some time as well, living in animals.

SARS-CoV-2 is the strain of coronavirus that causes Covid-19. It is also one of several know coronavirus strains that affects humans.

Seven known strains of coronavirus that can infect humans according to WebMd

  • 229E
  • NL63
  • OC43
  • HKU1
  • MERS-CoV, a beta virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
  • SARS-CoV, a beta virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19
Origin of Coronavirus

Coronavirus was first discovered in the 1930s when respiratory infections greatly affected domesticated chickens. The infections were caused by the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).

Coronavirus was first discovered in humans in the 1960s. Studies over a few decades result in the discovery of new strains of the virus that infects humans. These include SARS-COV in 2003, HCV NL63 in the next year or 2004, HCV HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and SARS-CoV-2 in 2019.

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) is currently responsible for the global pandemic. It originates from Wuhan city, China in 2019, and then spread to other countries. For example, regions such as the US, UK, Italy, and Spain. As of today, Covid-19 is responsible for over 128 million infections worldwide with more than 2.7 million deaths. United States, Brazil, India, France, and Russia are among the top 5 countries with the most infections.

Who is at Risk?

Covid-19 can infect anyone but some people are more at risk than others.  Therefore, older people and anyone with underlying health problems such as kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a fragile immune system, diabetes, heart diseases or cardiovascular disease, and cancer are most likely to be at risk.

Prevention From Getting Infected

According to the Centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC), the best way to pervert infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus.

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
  • Only travel if necessary
  • If you are sick stay home and only leave home to seek medical attention
  • Wear a mask indoor and outdoor when you are in public places
  • Maintain social distancing at all times in public places (stay at least 6 feet apart)
  • Avoid gathering in groups without people from your household
Symptoms of Covid-19

Coronavirus causes respiratory tract infections that range from placid to fatal. It can take around 5-6 days to show the symptoms when someone is infected.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Fever or chills
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Tiredness or  fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Congestion or runny nose

Covid-19 can be diagnosed in two ways. Both methods of testing are very accurate and reliable. On rare occasions, the diagnosis can produce a false-negative result. False-negative results are more common in the PCR rapid test method, while PCR testing done in a lab is considered highly accurate.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – this test can tell you if you are infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. It is commonly done by collecting a fluid sample by using a cotton swab to collect the sample from your nostril. In other cases, samples can be collected by inserting a long swab into the back of the throat or spitting into a test tube to collect a saliva sample.

Antigen test – this test detects a type of protein in the virus. A fluid sample is taken for this test. A long nasal swab collects fluid samples.

How to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19

If you are Experiencing Symptoms or have been diagnosed positive please follow the steps below:

  • Wear a mask to protect others and stop the spread
  • Quarantine Immediately
  • If immediate quarantine not possible distance yourself from others (Stay as far as possible but not less than six feet from others)
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces
  • Sanitizer all surfaces and objects you came in contact with (door handles, phones, keys, TV remote, etc.)
  • Monitor your health daily
  • Call emergency service (911) if you need help or need to go to the hospital.
  •  Practice all the above steps until you received a negative test

There are no drugs or vaccine available to stop coronavirus infections. The only approved drug available to treat coronavirus infections is remdesivir (Veklury). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved and authorized remdesivir (Veklury) to help treat COVID-19 patients.

 Several antiviral have been identified as potential drugs to cure coronaviruses such as polymerases, viral proteases, and entry proteins. Currently, doctors use different therapies to alleviate the effect of the virus. It includes antiviral medications, a mechanical ventilator for breathing support, and different steroids to avoid lung swelling.


There are currently six vaccines that are in use worldwide.  These vaccines do not prevent us from getting infected or stop the spread of Covid-19, it only helps protect most of us who received the vaccine from dying or getting very sick. Persons infected with Covid-19 after receiving the vaccine have only reported mild symptoms.

According to Ourworlddata only 127 million individuals have be vaccinated worldwide, which is only 1.63% of the world’s population.

Vaccines Available Worldwide
VaccinesEffectiveness (%)Doses-Interval
Pfizer90%2-21 days apart
Moderna90%2- 28 days apart
Johnson & Johnson66.3%1-second vaccine not needed
Novavax90%2-21 days apart
AstraZeneca76%2- 3 months apart
Sputnik V91.6%2- 21 days apart
Covid-19 vaccines available worldwide and its effectiveness.

Who are Now Eligible for Vaccination in the US?
  • Everyone 30 years and older
  • Health care personnel
  • Essential workers
  • Adults of any age with medical conditions

Pfizer Inc. is currently doing trials on vaccines for kids between the ages of 12 to 15. Pfizer claims that the vaccine is currently 100% effective in protecting against symptomatic disease. The study was done on more than 2,200 children, the research also did not find any safety concerns with the vaccines.

Economic Impact

Coronavirus has greatly affected the economic growth and progress around the world. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of many countries became negative which could resulted in inflation worldwide. Different industries such as sports, tourism, financial sector, and airline industries became stagnated which resulted in billions of dollars lost to these industries. Unemployment numbers also sky-rocketed worldwide.


Covid-19 has changed the dynamic of the entire world. The devastation caused worldwide resulted in millions of death. However, its death ratio is significantly low as compared to the number of people infected with Covid-19.

Covid-19 is still around today after started in the last quarter of 2019, and it’s still causing worldwide devastation. Most importantly, all of us need to do our part and take preventive measures to reduce the spread

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Third Stimulus Checks and Covid-19 Vaccination Updates Mon, 22 Feb 2021 00:02:40 +0000 The $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan proposed by President Joseph Biden will consist of a third stimulus check for millions

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The $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan proposed by President Joseph Biden will consist of a third stimulus check for millions of low and middle-income Americans. However, even though this proposal has bipartisan support from both the major parties, there is still widespread disagreement on who should receive the $1,400 stimulus checks.

third stimulus checks update

In the first week of February, Republican Senator Susan Collins and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin proposed a plan to block high-income Americans from receiving the third stimulus checks in the third phase of coronavirus federal relief. This plan was passed by the senate. However, the plan does not offer any definition of ‘upper income’ levels. This plan adds a degree of uncertainty to the relief measures proposed by the White House.

Stimulus checks and The US Economy

Economic data released on February 17, the second round of stimulus checks did do its job as intended. Retail sales had increased by over 5 percent in the month of January, which was better than market expectations. 

Yet despite the stimulus packages, the American economy continues to stutter due to different setbacks. These setbacks include the loss of income, job losses, and increased layoffs, etc. According to the Labor Department, applications for unemployment benefits increased in the third week of February to around 861,000. This was in contrast to the steady decline in this area over the last many weeks.

The same week, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities also released a statement about the economy. As per the organization, the US economy continues to be weak; the momentum of jobs recovery had slowed down to a crawl; and that there were almost 10 million fewer jobs this February as compared to February 2020. It also stated that the new stimulus package would help millions of Americans in these dire times.

The democrats in the House have finished their markups without making any major alterations to the President’s Covid relief plan. The bill will be put to vote in the House in the last week of February 2021. It will then pass to the Senate who will take it up for voting in the first week of March.

Democrats in Congress are planning to move the relief bill forward via a process known as budget reconciliation. This will permit the Senate to approve and pass the bill without any support from Republican senators.

Who received the First and Second Stimulus checks?

In the first two phases of Covid relief, checks of $1,200 and $600 were disbursed by the federal government. These packages also had restrictions on eligibility. In both cases, single individuals earning up to $75,000 and married couples earning up to $150,000 were eligible and received the full amount.

As income increased, the payout amounts became lower until it was cut off fully for high-income individuals or married couples. The cut-off limit for payouts in the first round was $198,000 for married people and $99,000 for singles. In the second round, the cut-off limits were $174,000 for married people and $87,000 for single individuals.

Who will be eligible for the $1,400 stimulus checks?

New data shows that many middle and high-income earner’s finances have stabilized as of February 2021. Most of them have been able to work from home and earn a stable income. Data also indicated that the second stimulus checks were quickly used up by people earning under $78,000 per year, while those earning more than $78,000, saved or invested their stimulus money.

Lawmakers in Congress are in a current debate over targeted relief checks towards low-income Americans who are most vulnerable to the economic strife imposed by the pandemic and its continued spread.

In the first week of February, Democrats in the House had opposed the idea of lowering the income level limits; they wanted the same income levels to continue as was the case in the first two rounds. But the stirring debate about the targeting of stimulus checks has resulted in President Biden articulating his willingness to negotiate. The President has stated that he will not negotiate the amount, i.e., $1,400 checks, but will be fine with directing the checks to Americans who need it the most.

If the negotiations are fruitful, there is a possibility that the eligibility threshold for stimulus checks can be lowered. Accordingly, married couples earning up to $100,000 and singles earning up to $50,000 may qualify for the checks. If the threshold is lowered, then it would mean that millions of Americans who received the checks in the first two phases will not get the checks in the third round. In the first two rounds, the IRS had made payouts to about 30 million American households earning over $75,000. With the new limits, it is likely that a lot of these households will not get the full $1,400 check in the third stimulus package.

When can Americans expect their third stimulus checks?

According to Democratic House and Senate members, the new coronavirus relief bill will most likely pass Congress by mid-March, before the expiration of the current weekly $300 additional unemployment aid on March 14.

After the passage of the bill by Congress, the President has to sign it. Once President Biden signs it, the stimulus checks would be directed by the IRS to all qualified households. Based on the data from the last two phases, the checks will be paid in the form of direct deposits within 1 week after the bill is signed by the President.

Americans who do not have bank accounts or Americans whose payment information is not available with the IRS will need to wait longer. Their stimulus checks will be delivered via mail in the form of prepaid debit cards or paper checks.

Covid-19 Vaccination Update in the US

The first vaccinations in the US were conducted in December 2020. Since then, over 73 million doses of vaccines have been delivered by the federal government to different states and jurisdictions.

Moderna has promised to deliver 200 million doses by end of May and another 100 million by end of July. Pfizer is also expected to delivering about 200 million doses by end of May.

If Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine gets authorized for emergency use by the FDA, the company promised to deliver 100 million doses by end of June. Taking all of this into account, the entire US population will be fully vaccinated by end of July.

Who is now eligible to be vaccinated?
  • Everyone 65 years and older
  • Health care personnel
  • Essential workers
  • Adults of any age with medical conditions

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One Hundred Million Covid-19 Cases Worldwide Fri, 29 Jan 2021 08:48:16 +0000 Covid-19 has now surpassed one hundred million (100, 000,000) documented cases worldwide. According to data for the World Health Organization

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Covid-19 has now surpassed one hundred million (100, 000,000) documented cases worldwide. According to data for the World Health Organization (WHO) the current documented Covid-19 cases worldwide is 100,455,529 and counting. The United States of America is leading the way with over 25 million cases. WHO also reported 2,166, 440 fatalities worldwide. With the continuous rise in cases, the entire world is in a race to vaccinate its population.

Countries with over 1 million Covid-19 cases as of today:

  1. USA – 25,198, 841
  2. India – 10, 701, 193
  3. Brazil – 8,933, 356
  4. Russia – 3,793,810
  5. United Kingdom – 3,715,058
  6. France – 3,056,198
  7. Spain – 2,670,102
  8. Italy – 2,501,147
  9. Turkey – 2,449,839
  10. Germany – 2,178,828
  11. Colombia – 2,014,352
  12. Argentina – 1,885,210
  13. Mexico – 1,788,905
  14. Poland – 1,496,665
  15. South Africa – 1,430,648
  16. Iran – 1,392,314
  17. Ukraine – 1,206,412
  18. Peru – 1,024,298
  19. Indonesia – 1,024,298
Vaccines Already Approved

Moderna and Pfizer are currently the only two vaccines approved by the FDA. Both vaccines are about 95% effective and require two doses. The wait time between doses of Pfizer is 21 days. The wait time between doses for Moderna is 28 days. Both companies have confirmed that their vaccines work against other strains of Covid-19. Side effects for both vaccines have been similar. Side effects include but are not limited to inject site pain, muscle and joint pain, headache, fatigue, chills, and fever. Most individuals seem to get a stronger reaction after the second dose of the vaccine. According to the CDC, 39 million vaccines have been administered thus far in the United States.

Vaccines in Phase 3

Johnson & Johnson will be ready to supply 2 million doses of the vaccine as soon as it gets approval from the FDA. The company recently filed for emergency usage for their Covid-19 vaccine. While the effectiveness of the vaccine may not be as high as that of Pfizer or Moderna; people are excited about the idea of having a single-dose vaccine. Another positive aspect of the vaccine is that it has been tested on the different strains of Covid-19. According to fool, “The vaccine produced 72% efficacy in the U.S., 66% efficacy in Latin America, and 57% efficacy in South Africa.” The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is expected to be approved by the FDA in late February of 2021.

Novavax and AstraZeneca vaccines are currently still in the testing phase.  Novavax is 50% less effective against the South African variant. AstraZeneca is currently being used in the UK but it is not yet approved by EU. AstraZeneca vaccine is not very effective for people over 65, according to German coalition sources. Germany fears AstraZeneca vaccine will not be approved by the EU.

VaccinesEffectiveness (%)Doses-IntervalApproved by FDA
Pfizer95%2-21 days apartYes
Moderna95%2- 28 days apartYes
Johnson & Johnson72%1-second vaccine not neededNo
Novavax90%2-21 days apartNo
AstraZeneca76%2- 3 months apartNo
Sputnik V92%2- 21 days apartNo
Vaccine Status in the USA
Covid-19 Treatment

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved and authorized a drug called remdesivir (Veklury) to treat COVID-19 patients. The drug is for patients 12 and over, weighing at least 88 pounds (40kg). The FDA may also authorize the emergency use of drugs that are not yet approved. Drugs that are approved for other ailments may be allowed to treat patients with Covid-19 but only if certain legal requirements are met. Persons infected with Covid-19 may also seek clinical trials. Depending on the severity of symptoms, individuals who qualify may be put on trials of “Monoclonal antibody treatments, Convalescent plasma, Baricitinib, and Corticosteroids.”

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Covid-19 On The Rise in New York City Sun, 03 Jan 2021 21:49:10 +0000 Stopping the spread of COVID in NYC- What will it take? As of today, the total covid-19 cases have surpassed

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Stopping the spread of COVID in NYC- What will it take?

As of today, the total covid-19 cases have surpassed 1 million in New York State. New York City alone accounts for more than 400 thousand documented cases according to the New York Times. Covid-19 is on the rise in New York City, with daily new cases reaching an all-time high. New Yorkers need to adhere to the covid-19 guidelines that were put in place. Although New York has many guidelines in place to help reduce the spread of covid-19, it’s not strictly enforced by the authorities nor upheld by many New Yorkers. Many New Yorkers are riding the New York City subways and buses without wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. Although the city issues a notice of a $50 fine for riding subways and busses without a mask, not a single New Yorker was fined.

New Yorkers Who Don’t Care

Here are some examples of New Yorkers ignoring the covid-19 guidelines. The guy on the left has a mask but is wearing it under his chin. Meanwhile, the guy on the right does not seem to have any mask at all.

In addition to busses and trains, there are also many businesses such as stores and restaurants without any social distancing rules in place. For instance, many stores do not limit the number of persons entering their store at once. This leaves little room inside the store for proper social distancing. Inside dining in restaurants is currently prohibited in New York City. Most restaurant owners took it upon themself to construct outdoor structures with proper ventilation for outdoor seating. As usual, there are a few restaurant owners who completely ignore the guidelines. Many have built outdoor structures that are poorly ventilated.

For instance, below is an outdoor structure in front of a popular restaurant In Queens, NY that is completely enclosed with little to no ventilation.

At the current rate of increase in covid-19 cases, NYC is surely heading in the direction of another total lockdown. If we do not adhere to the guidelines we will surely see another shutdown with a curfew in place very soon. To prevent this, the authorities need to make sure all guidelines are enforced. Everyone needs to do their part in helping to stop the spread.

How to stop the spread of Covid-19

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
  • Administer regular Covid tests
  • Only travel if necessary
  • If you are sick stay home and only leave home to seek medical attention
  • Wear a mask indoor and outdoor when you are in public places
  • Maintain social distancing at all times in public places
  • Avoid gathering in groups without people from your household

Covid-19 is on the rise in New York City. No one should be taking this lightly! If we are to reduce the spread we need to follow the above guidelines. Let us not underestimate this deadly virus. In conclusion, together we can all get through this. With the role out of the vaccine, we can end covid-19. Let’s make 2021 the year we beat covid-19.

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Six Hundred Dollar Stimulus Check Approved Mon, 28 Dec 2020 19:30:09 +0000 Six hundred dollars approved, will it be increased to two thousand? President Donald Trump signed off on a six hundred

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Six hundred dollars approved, will it be increased to two thousand?

President Donald Trump signed off on a six hundred dollar stimulus check. This will give the American people a second-round of much needed financial relief. President Donald Trump released a statement saying “The Senate would start the process for voting to increase the stimulus checks to $2000.” The house plans to start the voting process to increase the second stimulus check to $2000.

Who is eligible for the second stimulus checks

As of right now, we know the current stimulus check is approved for six hundred dollars. Eligible adults will receive direct payments of $600 and additionally each qualifying child dependent will also receive $600 each. For example, a family of four receiving the maximum payment could receive a total of $2400.

Who is qualified for the maximum stimulus Payment

The maximum stimulus payment will include individuals earning up to $75,000 in adjusted gross income. It will also include head of households making $112,500 or more. Married couple filing jointly will not be able to qualify if they make more than $150,000. Income will be based on 2019 tax returns.

Payment will be reduced for every $100 earned over these income thresholds by $5. For example, If a qualified individual’s gross income in 2019 is $76,500 he/she will receive a $525 stimulus check instead of $600.

Individuals whose gross income is $87, 000 and more or married couples filing jointly earning $174,000 or more will not receive a stimulus check.

When Will I Receive My Check

The time frame for receiving the second six hundred dollar stimulus is unclear but payment is expected to be faster than the first check. As of now, qualified individuals are guaranteed to receive a $600 stimulus check. While there is still a possibility of receiving a $2000 stimulus check.


Joe Biden is currently securing money for the $2000 stimulus check. On Friday, January 8, he mentioned that he will be putting together a multi-trillion dollar package. This will increase the stimulus check to $2000.

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