Covid-19 On The Rise in New York City
Stopping the spread of COVID in NYC- What will it take?
As of today, the total covid-19 cases have surpassed 1 million in New York State. New York City alone accounts for more than 400 thousand documented cases according to the New York Times. Covid-19 is on the rise in New York City, with daily new cases reaching an all-time high. New Yorkers need to adhere to the covid-19 guidelines that were put in place. Although New York has many guidelines in place to help reduce the spread of covid-19, it’s not strictly enforced by the authorities nor upheld by many New Yorkers. Many New Yorkers are riding the New York City subways and buses without wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. Although the city issues a notice of a $50 fine for riding subways and busses without a mask, not a single New Yorker was fined.
New Yorkers Who Don’t Care
Here are some examples of New Yorkers ignoring the covid-19 guidelines. The guy on the left has a mask but is wearing it under his chin. Meanwhile, the guy on the right does not seem to have any mask at all.
Here Is someone with a mask under his chin on the subway.
In addition to busses and trains, there are also many businesses such as stores and restaurants without any social distancing rules in place. For instance, many stores do not limit the number of persons entering their store at once. This leaves little room inside the store for proper social distancing. Inside dining in restaurants is currently prohibited in New York City. Most restaurant owners took it upon themself to construct outdoor structures with proper ventilation for outdoor seating. As usual, there are a few restaurant owners who completely ignore the guidelines. Many have built outdoor structures that are poorly ventilated.
For instance, below is an outdoor structure in front of a popular restaurant In Queens, NY that is completely enclosed with little to no ventilation.
At the current rate of increase in covid-19 cases, NYC is surely heading in the direction of another total lockdown. If we do not adhere to the guidelines we will surely see another shutdown with a curfew in place very soon. To prevent this, the authorities need to make sure all guidelines are enforced. Everyone needs to do their part in helping to stop the spread.
How to stop the spread of Covid-19
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
- Administer regular Covid tests
- Only travel if necessary
- If you are sick stay home and only leave home to seek medical attention
- Wear a mask indoor and outdoor when you are in public places
- Maintain social distancing at all times in public places
- Avoid gathering in groups without people from your household
Covid-19 is on the rise in New York City. No one should be taking this lightly! If we are to reduce the spread we need to follow the above guidelines. Let us not underestimate this deadly virus. In conclusion, together we can all get through this. With the role out of the vaccine, we can end covid-19. Let’s make 2021 the year we beat covid-19.