
Most popular cat breeds to have as pets

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There are hundreds of cat breeds, all with unique characteristics and personalities. Whether you are looking for a couch-potato or an energetic athlete, a close friend, or a distance companion, knowing what’s out there will help you find the breed that’s right for you. Here is a list of the most popular cat breeds that are kept as pets.

American Shorthair

American Shorthair cat breed
American Shorthair cat

American Shorthairs are known for having a good disposition, fair intelligence, and being highly adaptable to environments, humans, and other animals. This breed is descended from the cats that European settlers kept to protect their food stores from rodents and vermin. They are considered in all ways, a “happy medium,” and as a result are one of the most popular breeds of cats. 

Although the breed has retained its hunting abilities, the breed is mild-mannered and docile, making them great pets. Their past as working cats allows them incredible agility and endurance which they use in bouts of playfulness. They are affectionate but enjoy a certain level of independence so they have no trouble spending time alone. Additionally, they even do well with children, though they aren’t very fond of being picked up.

Thanks to their history as a working animal, they have a stocky, muscular build, with a large head, medium-sized ears, and wide eyes.  They come in a variety of colors. Silver tabby is one of the most common and popular.


Maine Coon

This “gentle giant” is not only known for their extraordinary appearance but also their keen intelligence and people-oriented personalities. Hailing from Maine, and the state’s official cat, they first became highly regarded by locals for their talents catching mice. Maine Coon also hold claims to fame for being one of the oldest natural breeds in North America as well as the largest domestic cat breed.

Maine Coon cat breed
Maine Coon cat

Maine Coons are highly-intelligent and people-oriented. They are even said to be akin to dogs in their behavior, following their owners around, playing fetch, and being enthusiastic and easy to train. They are also sociable and friendly, which, along with their gentle temperament make them highly sought-after pets.

Their large stature and thick fur coats are part of what makes Maine Coons so recognizable. Most male cats of other domestic breeds weigh around 10-12 pounds. Male Maine Coon cats can weigh up to an impressive 25 pounds. Many Maine Coons have extra toes, also called polydactylism, which can be helpful in snow as their large feet can act like snowshoes. Their classic color is a brown tabby, but the breed can come in other colors and patterns.


Appropriately named, Ragdoll cats are known for their tendency to relax and go limp when held. Largely a free-roaming breed until the 1960s when a California breeder, Ann Baker, truly developed them into the Ragdolls we know today. Now, this adorable, affectionate breed has gained a lot of popularity since celebrities like Taylor Swift have given them happy, loving homes.

Ragdoll cat breed
Ragdoll cat

Ragdolls are one of the most affectionate breeds of cats, and similar to Maine Coons, they have a dog-like personality. Similarly, they enjoy learning tricks, playing fetch, and even rolling onto their backs for belly rubs. They are calm, friendly, and actively seek out human interaction. They are particularly good with children and do well with other animals.

Although they don’t get as large as Maine Coons, they can weigh up to 15 pounds. They have soft, medium-length fur, which can come in a variety of colors. Ragdoll cats are considered a “pointed breed,” meaning the “points” of their bodies, like their faces, ears, legs, and tails are a darker color than their lighter-colored bodies. Additionally, they are recognized for their distinct blue eyes, though not all Ragdolls have them.


These long-haired beauties originate from Persia (now Iran) and are referenced in hieroglyphics as far back as 1684 BC. Their affectionate nature, quiet character, and dignity make them famous pets. They are so popular, in fact, that a kitten can easily cost up to $1,500 dollars, landing them among the more expensive cat breeds.

Persian cat breed
Persian cat

These fancy cats prefer a calm and relaxing environment, as they are quite laidback. They are typically docile and sweet, though, they can be selective of who they show affection to. Persians do well with children, provided they are handled gently and are good with other calm pets. Although they do enjoy playtime and interaction, Persians are less likely than other breeds to seek out attention. They can be equally happy to watch your comings and goings from afar as they are to sit with you and be pet.

Part of what buys Persians their famous and recognition is their appearance. They have a distinction “open-pansy’ face which is flat and scrunched up. They have short, stocky bodies, round heads, and straight tails. The Persian cat breeds also have very long fur, which requires brushing once a day to prevent knots and matting. Although the original Persians had gray fur and yellow eyes, they can now come in a variety of coat and eye colors that typically correspond. 


Abyssinian cats are named after their speculated place of origin, Abyssinia (now Ethiopia), but genetic evidence suggests they make actually be from Southeast Asia. Regardless, Abyssinians are now known for their regal appearance, high activity level, and sharp intelligence. For quite some time now, they have been in the top 10 most popular cat breeds in the United States.

Abyssinian cat breed
Abyssinian cat and kitten

These cats have lots of energy and are very inquisitive. They are sometimes called “Aby-grabbys” for their tendency to take or collect things that interest them. They are extremely playful, enjoying puzzle toys and things to climb on, though another cat is their preferred entertainment. Although most Abyssinians do not enjoy cuddling, they prefer to be in your presence and they’ll even occasionally curl up next to you for some direct attention.

With medium-sized, muscular bodies and long, slender legs, these cats are certainly majestic. They have wedge-shaped heads, partially cupped, large ears, and almond-shaped eyes. Their gold, green, or hazel eyes will typically correspond to their coat color, which includes ruddy brown, blue, cinnamon/red, and fawn. Their short fur coats are “ticked” because individual hairs are banded with multiple colors. Overall, these traits give them a strong resemblance to ancient Egyptian cats.


Sphynx cat

Sphynxes are also known as hairless cats, but they do have very short, fine hairs that give them a suede-like feel. The Sphynx breed was developed in 1966 when a hairless kitten was born, and breeders used selective breeding to create a true standard. Now, these cats are recognized for not only their lack of hair but also their sweet and social personalities. 

Unlike the stereotype that cats generally carry, a Sphynx loves being the center of attention and is a devoted lap cat. They are energetic cats and can be mischievous in addition to normal playfulness to ensure they have your attention. They can also be fairly vocal; calling and talking as they follow you around. They also get along well with other household pets and children.

Despite appearing completely naked, Sphynxes actually have some very fine, peach fuzz, especially on their face and ears. Because their skin is exposed, they may easily chill, so they should not be outside cats, and may even need to wear a shirt or sweater to keep warm. They have a medium-sized body, with a round chest and abdomen, and legs that are slightly longer in the back than the front. They can be white, black, chocolate, cream, red, blue, lavender, cinnamon, and fawn, with a variety of patterns and shades.


Bengal cats are actually considered a hybrid species since they were created by crossing domestic cats with Asian Leopard Cats. This created a domestic cat that is gentle and affectionate but with the show-stopping look of a leopard. They are the only domestic cat breed that can have rosettes like wild cats. In addition to their striking appearance, Bengals are sweet and loving athletes.

Bengal cat

Because they come directly from leopards, Bengals are wildly athletic and highly intelligent. They love to be outside; hunting and playing, and even playing in water, unlike most housecats. They are playful creatures, enjoying challenges and puzzle games, and can even be trained similar to a dog. They are loving and people-oriented, forming strong familial bonds with their owners. Fair warning, Bengals can become destructive if they don’t get enough exercise or attention, so you should ensure they are content.

Similar to the wild cats they originate from, Bengals have medium to large size bodies, with sturdy and firm bones, and extraordinary muscling. They have broad wedge-shaped heads that are smaller in proportion to their bodies and large, bright eyes. Their legs are slightly longer in the rear, and their feet are quite large. Their exquisite coats are soft and silky to the touch, with spotted or marbled rosettes. They have distinct colored patterns and even spotted bellies.

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